We call this camouflage. A camouflage animal uses different ways to hide their identity or appearance from other animals. They can change their colour, change their shape, or disguise themselves ...
Animals have evolved a range of camouflage tactics, from simple colour matching to sophisticated mimicry. See if you can spot the creatures in the photos below - drag the slider to reveal them. Will ...
Nature is full of masters of disguise. From the chameleon to arctic hare, natural camouflage is a common yet powerful way to ...
In the study of why and how animals look the way they do, color is king—at least, the range of color humans can see. A ...
A study published in the Journal of Animal Ecology shows for the first time how these crustaceans interact with invasive algae. The results also show that they can camouflage themselves in algae ...
Masters of camouflage, like the Cyanea Octopus and Flounders, have adapted the remarkable ability to change colours, helping ...
Cuttlefish use visual tricks to avoid being eaten. New research shows how they deploy similar camouflage to bamboozle their ...
Taking a closure look, it's impressive to see how the stripes and spots on the woodcocks' feathers help them blend seamlessly ...
How can the soft bodies of coleoid cephalopods ... (2011) "Rapid adaptive camouflage in cephalopods." in Animal Camouflage: Mechanisms and Function. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
The term camouflage usually conjures up images of physical characteristics such as coloration; however, animals can also use behavior to disguise themselves and avoid detection by predators.
How do scientists study the behavior of dinosaurs, who died 65 million years ago? After all, dinosaur fossils are rare enough as it is, and most are fragments and difficult to work with.