Raw seafood doesn't sit well with everyone, but even if you enjoy the taste of sushi that doesn't mean you should be eating ...
With Tasmania's salmon companies reeling from unprecedented losses due to disease and warm weather, the industry is told it ...
Farmed Salmon vs. Wild-Caught “Atlantic salmon is generally all farmed, while Pacific salmon is most likely wild,” says Hannah Heimbuch, a third-generation Alaska commercial s ...
I was emptying out a piggy bank with my son recently and two 50p coins caught my eye as I hadn't seen them before.
An outbreak of the Piscirickettsia salmonis bacterial disease in Tasmanian fish farms triggered a mass death of at least 1 ...
The peak body for salmon farming acknowledges the community impact of mass salmon mortalities and fatty chunks washing ashore ...
A recent survey of Atlantic salmon redds revealed a higher count than expected, given last year’s low water levels — a hopeful sign in local streambeds. Promising signs in local streambeds ...
Two beats are for sale (Image: Strutt & Parker) Robert McCulloch, head of Strutt and Parker’s agency team in Scotland, said: “Once every few years, a sale comes to the market that really stands out, ...
HOMESTEAD — Salmon farms normally occur in the fjords of Norway or Chile, not on the hot, humid flats next to the Everglades. But Atlantic Sapphire, a new type of on-land salmon farm ...
As consumers reconsider eating farmed salmon, and an expert has shared what's good and bad about the fish. Find out more.
An Aussie senator has been met with a barrage of criticism after declaring he will "proudly continue to buy" Tasmanian salmon ...