In a video that has since gone viral online, a protester spray-painted and slashed a portrait of Lord Balfour at Cambridge ...
Who would we be? In my final year at university, I would glance around the dining table in Trinity College, Cambridge’s spectacular Tudor hall, and wonder. The antique age of 40 was, of course, ...
Trinity College, Cambridge has 33 Nobel Laureates, including most recently its current master Sir Gregory Winter. It is generally considered the richest college at Cambridge university ...
University of Cambridge The Cambridge University Tiddlywinks ... the current CUTwC president who is studying classics at Trinity College, said: "We've all heard the incredible story, but it ...
LORD RAYLEIGH has written a most excellent and satisfying account of the life of Sir Joseph Thomson. The book gives an adequate explanation of Thomson's epoch-making scientific work, and, in ...
However, unbeknownst to many, colleges of both universities do have programs in place to encourage Oxford-Cambridge relations ...
Trinity May Ball celebrates Cambridge students' end of exams Ball's mantra was 'Eat, Drink, Rave, Repeat' Guests were treated to lavish five-course meal followed by music and dancing Students ...
After the pro-Palestine protests took over the university, Trinity pledged ... The wealthy college also donated £150,000 to the Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship programme, which supports ...
Michael Purser, who passed away recently, taught in Trinity for four decades and left a lasting impression on students and colleagues alike.
The climate initiative aims to create a market for cash products which do not contribute to the financing of fossil fuel ...