More than 40 years on from the 1984 fire, the historic church has teamed up with heritage body Historic England to test out a ...
Controversy around an upcoming heavy metal concert at York Minster “missed the point of the gig entirely”, the band’s guitarist has said.
A new Lord's Prayer Tour led by Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell has been launched, starting with a Choral Evensong service at York Minster.
In his sermon, Archbishop Cottrell used music as a metaphor, saying that the Lord’s Prayer was “a song of heaven on earth”, ...
York Minster was a hive of activity on Monday as 100 volunteers made kits to ensure schoolgirls do not miss class due to ...
York College and University Centre has formed a new partnership with York College in Pennsylvania. The two institutions, ...
York Minster’s Head of Events and Participation, Lisa Power said she is thrilled to welcome the projection back, emphasising ...
The Colour & Light exhibition, which celebrates York's wildlife, was projected on the south transept of York Minster this ...
More than 800 people gathered at York Minster on Thursday for the full ceremonial funeral of Pc Rosie Prior, who died along with a man last month near Thirsk in North Yorkshire. The 45-year-old ...
Hundreds of people gathered at York Minster to say a final farewell to York policewoman Rosie Prior. PC Prior, 45, and Ryan Welford, 41, from Knaresborough, died after being struck by a passing ...