Like many other smaller farms, the Rosmann Family Farm in Harlan was able to use the programs to sell bulk amounts of pork and beef. But with the end of the contracts, they say they'll take a ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has ended the Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program and the Local Food ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture cut $1 billion in funding for local food programs impacting schools and food banks.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – The US Department of Agriculture is slashing two federal programs that support local food banks and schools. The USDA’s decision to cut these programs has caused more than ...
The Great Falls Community Food Bank’s executive director, Shaun Tatarka, said they were never a part of those specific programs, so it will not be affecting them.
Cuts to the Federal Emergency Management Agency have frozen funds used to keep Tri-Cities families from losing their place to ...
New perspective on the cancellation of the eleven million dollars in United States Department of Agircultyre funding that helped connect iowa farmers and their ...
There are two different USDA programs that are being impacted, which will result in a loss of thousands of pounds of food ...
A major loss in federal funding has left school nutrition leaders scrambling as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) cut two programs that provided about $1 billion in federal ...
The Food Bank of Central New York will hold a mobile food pantry distribution on Wednesday, March 19, at 5 p.m. at ...
The program allowed the North Texas Food Bank to buy produce and meat from local Texas farmers instead of larger companies.