The Qualcom or Omnitracs ELD Device - Trucking Truth Blog
Qualcomm, or Omnitracs, is an onboard computer with a messaging system, GPS navigation, an electronic logging device (ELD), and more. It is tied into the truck's computer and also allows trucking companies to track where the driver is at, monitor the truck, and exchange messages with the driver - similar to email.
How To Use The Qualcomm - Page 1 | TruckingTruth Forum
Electronic Onboard Recorder. Electronic Logbook. A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not. Qualcomm: Omnitracs (a.k.a. Qualcomm) is a satellite-based messaging system with built-in GPS capabilities built by ...
The Wild And Wacky World Of Qualcomm And E-Logs
Dec 22, 2013 · Electronic Logs: Electronic Onboard Recorder. Electronic Logbook. A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not. Qualcomm: Omnitracs (a.k.a. Qualcomm) is a satellite-based messaging system with built-in GPS ...
Electronic Logs - Page 1 - TruckingTruth Forum
Electronic Logs: Electronic Onboard Recorder. Electronic Logbook. A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not. Qualcomm: Omnitracs (a.k.a. Qualcomm) is a satellite-based messaging system with built-in GPS ...
Qualcomm and E logs - TruckersReport
Sep 27, 2011 · Some electronic logs are just the same as paper logs- just on a website instead of on paper. Electronic monitoring, on the other hand is a different world. As in ZERO TOLERANCE. Go past the limits too many times and you're out of a job. Your employer or business partner sets the parameters (or you can if it's your company). It's an indelible ...
E-logs And Paper Logs - Page 1 | TruckingTruth Forum
Electronic Logs: Electronic Onboard Recorder. Electronic Logbook. A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not. Qualcomm: Omnitracs (a.k.a. Qualcomm) is a satellite-based messaging system with built-in GPS ...
Computer Logs Vs Log Books - Page 1 | TruckingTruth Forum
Electronic Logs: Electronic Onboard Recorder. Electronic Logbook. A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not. Qualcomm: Omnitracs (a.k.a. Qualcomm) is a satellite-based messaging system with built-in GPS ...
Downloading Qualcomm logs | TruckersReport.com Trucking …
Feb 15, 2014 · Looking for help downloading my log report from Qualcomm. I have no problem logging in and displaying the report, but the only option I see is to print. Don't want to print 100+ pages. Supposed to be able download the report as a pdf file. I have Adobe Reader version 11. Has anyone done this successfully?
Qualcomm And Critical Events - Page 1 | TruckingTruth Forum
Apr 27, 2013 · Electronic Logs: Electronic Onboard Recorder. Electronic Logbook. A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not. Shipper: The customer who is shipping the freight.
Tech for Truckers: What You Need - Trucking Truth
Forum - Paper Logs Versus Elogs. If it was up to me I'd roll the logbook rules back to what they were back about 15 years ago but require everyone to use electronic logs. I think that creates safe driving conditions and a fair and level playing field for all companies.